Italian Interior Design for Refined Turney Projects
The pursuit of unexpected emotions in luxury interior design

A Complete Interior Design. A path that guides the rebirth of what was already there and that marks the way of what will be
The goal of the design, especially when it concerns living or hospitality spaces, is to create environments in which living and making actions are linked to sensations of well-being surrounded: sensory, emotional, inspirational.
Interior design is the design discipline that, more than the others, interprets these needs, which have a lot to do with the personal sphere of memories, suggestions and experiences. It often leads to a long and complex path of spatial transformation, which may have involved incisive interventions on the structure and architecture of a building, adapting it to new specific needs.



For the creative team of Dome, interior design studio in Milan, the interior design activity is aimed at research of harmony, understood as an balance distributed on several levels: chromatic, lighting, positioning and organization of furniture in the rooms, combination of materials and textures, visual, tactile and thermal comfort. Moreover, Dome Milano Studio attributes to the interior design activity two new meanings of strong and concrete relevance.
The first, in particular, is linked to a design concept that involves the client's senses from the moment entering the office of the Studio in via Boccaccio, that is the flourishing green wall visible also through the large windows attested on the road. Interior design, understood as transformation of a pre-existing space, is by the sustainable nature, it does not involve the consumption of soil resources other than those, materials, connected to the needs of transformation and can be interpreted virtuous practice of reuse and re-functionalization of pre-existence.
The second meaning, on the other hand, sees interior design as a tool of excellence for the interpretation of contemporaneity: the new aesthetic and functional qualities attributed to spaces can to tell of a today that prefigures an even more innovative tomorrow, rich in surprising meanings, both on a technological level and on the more immediately perceptible, aesthetic and multi-sensory one.
Listen to understand. Observing the places to meet the spirit and bring out the soul. A soul that reflects itself in the needs of clients
The Dome team, interior design studio in Milan, works as a multiform, versatile and multi-specialized group of professionals who can be considered as a sort of artisans of the space.
The approach to the interior design project, in fact, is not limited to enclosing the performances strictly connected to the draf of the first layers characterizing the spatial transformation, but also involves all its more concrete and detailed aspects which, at the end of the work on site , translate into realization what was initially prefigured and imagined on paper.
In fact, the first meeting with the client is followed by a cognitive and investigation phase, aimed at examining all the starting necessary information to correctly plan the interior design project. Within this preliminary phase, the site visit takes on fundamental importance, because it allows Dome professionals to come into contact with the spirit of the place and to grasp its most hidden meanings and most fascinating suggestions. : history, artisan tradition, colours, materials, all aspects to be understood as stimuli and not as constraints to the creative development of the project.
The work of the Dome creative team as an interior design studio then continues for gradual subsequent insights, which lead to the definition of the different aspects of the new spaces, characterized according to the style, the needs expressed by the client and of the intelligent connection between new and pre-existence which, for interior design professionals, cannot fail to involve proposals of stylistic blend and a combination of made in Italy creations and proposals with an international excellence.

Space, light, materials find application in the three-dimensionality of the environments and in the two-dimensionality of the horizontal and vertical surfaces that enclose them. In the various design phases and during the construction site, within which the Dome team also carries out the Works Managing activity, all the elements of the interior design find their final place and, when construction is completed, it is the compatibility and the ability are verified giving life to the new completely transformed space.
Dome is the centre of a dense network of professionals, each with their own different skills and professionalism. Values that weave together giving life to projects that are never same as before.

The creative and operative process built in the interior design activity cannot be graphed as a single red line with a well-defined direction. Rather, it is the result of the weaving of many lines, each to be interpreted as the concrete trace of a specific design or construction competence, attributable to the Dome Milano Studio team and the dense network of professionals and craftsmen involved at several collaborative levels from the preliminary stages of the project and also active in the construction site.
The interior design project shares the same management and finalization method with that of interior architecture based, first of all, on the comparison and sharing of ideas and suggestions between the different team members, guided by the art director Rachele. The reality of the network, in fact, is not only the concrete one woven through the collaboration between professionals, collaborators, suppliers and artisans, but also the ideal one concerning the search for the novelty, the experimentation and the proposal of new solutions, representative of a design approach always recognizable.
The place that, by election, welcomes every phase of the development of the project is the Studio, together with the innovative concept of Private Rooms, real spaces exclusively dedicated to custom-made private consulting, in which the client finds, combined, consolidated professional experience and unique welcome.