The interiors of luxury yachts between spaces, aesthetics and functionality

Being close to water, a natural element of life, inevitably leads the mind and body to release chemicals that lead to a feeling of happiness and well-being. A house that is reflected in the transparency of the sea is able to give deep emotions and suggest navigation without sacrificing comfort and luxury.

A desire and well-being that rise on a well-defined stage: that of boating and luxury yachts where Made in Italy continues to establish itself as a synonym of excellence, refinement and attention to detail.

Realizing a luxury yacht is a work that is in extreme need of Architecture, of a point of view that is able to contain all the dimensions of living and connect them in the representation of a unique world, where sky, earth and sea run on shades of blue that change its reflection to the rhythm of the sun and the seasons.
A luxury boat becomes a real home and that is why also, and above all, interiors of luxury yachts must be conceived and designed to guarantee high standards in a research where aesthetics, functionality and space optimization do not yield to any compromise because a luxury yacht is the main gateway to moments of peace, tranquility and well-being.

Light and space: two fundamental insights

The interior design of luxury yachts is a real challenge in the world of interior design and suggests unexpected, surprising and decisive routes. Space is the fundamental insight of starting point and that of the interiors of a luxury yacht is not only a space to be lived in but above all to be exhibited with the sacred law of hospitality set in a dream location.

The space is optimized and perceived according to the light, the intensity, the ability to play with the day. For the professionals of Dome Milano Studio, light is a fundamental element in the design phase that is studied using the skills deriving from the lighting engineering discipline.

The ideal that inspires the interiors of luxury yachts and boats is that of exclusivity, achieved through functionality and style that are important for both the exterior and the interior.

Living at sea no longer means giving up on comforts. There is a clear paradigm shift that makes luxury yachts the meeting point between high performance boats and illuminated and floating lofts equipped with every kind of comfort.
A moodboard that wants to accompany the In these suggestions, the client will be able to find the meeting point, or rather, the key to unrepeatability, using different tools that can insinuate themselves into the clients' principle, creating a new philosophy.

The expressive-sensorial character of the interior materials of luxury yachts

The interiors of a luxury yacht are the context in which one goes on stage. A interior furniture that in the very moment in which it abstracts from a local contingency materializes the concept of place: it follows timeless lines that determine the flow.
Fundamental, in this sense, is the choice of materials: it is decisive for imparting the expressive-sensorial character to the whole work thanks to the extraordinary ability to establish a relationship with space. Different materials will give origin to divergent sensations, to a different interaction with the sensitivity of those who pass through the spaces.

Resistance. Certainly this is the main quality that materials must have for the interiors of luxury boats. A resistance that defies the sign of time and the action of atmospheric agents; a resistance that keeps the personality of the owner and the yacht itself intact.

Innovation and respect for the environment. It is the winning formula for rendering the interiors of a luxury yacht are real temples of innovation, even digital, with careful consideration of the impact of the materials used. The choice of wood, an ancient and living material, the latest compositions of technically advanced steels, are the map of the new suspended and solid house.

Personality. Naval taste and style are the starting point of a story that must touch the strings of emotion and hit the heart with a detail.

The dimensions of luxury

luxury is a way of being. A way of living. A way of thinking and acting. Luxury is a sensation. By virtue of this, a yacht can express the same luxury as a large villa. The interiors, equipped with every comfort and designed to make the experience at sea unforgettable, mark the new definition of an idea that knows no limits of time and space.

It is how we approach the project that determines the success of an intention; and on this the Dome Milano Studio team has very clear ideas: luxury is possible even in the small size as long as you know how to interpret it, devising, from time to time, innovative solutions capable of opening up new scenarios.
Attention to detail is the stylistic code of those who aspire to exclusivity. It is the obsessive and obsessed research of craftsmen who know how to transform the interiors of a luxury yacht into enchantment that defies time.

The horizon of the point of view

What makes a luxury yacht unrepeatable and unattainable? The position, which changes with each navigation, moving on the same horizon line and touching ever-changing and new landscapes that shape and change the point of view.

It is a significant advantage over the classic home that cannot enjoy these changes in vision, sun and sunsets that are never the same as before.

A luxury yacht is truly a real utopia. It moves on the horizon by navigating and discovering a new life every day.