The Character of Dome, Architecture and High End Interior Design Studio
Luxury Home Renovation that Tend towards Harmony
Redevelop the Existing spaces and Design New Spaces in which the Interior Architecture Relates Harmoniously with the Context that becomes Welcoming.
Dome, an architecture and interior design studio in Milan, operating in Italy and internationally, offers among its services that, for excellence associated with the archetypal dimension of living, of interior architecture.
The most extensive and incisive design and implementation interventions fall under this specific category of activities: interventions that may involve the essential transformation of a pre-existing to recover it on a functional and aesthetic level, adapting it to new needs of different or similar nature, or they can translate into a newly built architecture, harmoniously replaced in a context from which to borrow, as roots, material, historical and artisanal inspirations.
And again, interior architecture is the overall redevelopment of a space, residential or used for a different private or public function, realised through demolition and subsequent reconstruction of divisions, adjustment of mechanical, electrical systems, lighting and revision of the horizontal and vertical surfaces characterising the envelope of each environment.

Architecture and Design Studio, where Emotion is generated from the Space
Within the creative and operational activities of Dome, architecture and design studio, that of interior design is the most linked to the search for harmony and balance between the various factors that contribute to the definition of project, creating unique environments, with an unmistakable style: natural and artificial light, volumetric relationships between the elements of the space, border between interior and outdoor, the grain of the materials and the ability to generate fascinating chiaroscuro effects, colours, thickness and tactile communicativeness of the fabrics.
With interior design, space conquers the concrete life and the translation of the idea into reality, during the first steps of the project, can only be understood as perfect for fulfilling to one's most intimate needs and deep connection with the surroundings. You can almost say that, through this path, it is possible to build a everlasting and deep bond between the person and his home and from this making everyday of the daily life becomes extraordinary.
The aim of the interior design activity developed by the creative team of Dome Milano Studio is to stimulate, anticipating the client's needs and assisting step by step to the final realisation, the result of a sartorial project developed through continuous dialogue and experimentation with always new solutions.
Product Design, Interior Design Becomes Real, Controllable and Measurable
When the envelope of an interior space has taken shape and light, materials and colours interact and combine their characteristics to create a shared emotional and sensorial project, here comes the moment to populate it with design objects. able to combine aesthetics and functionality in unique and innovative elements.
Designing an object means transferring the design path to the small scale, applied to interior architecture and interior design, instead concerns the three dimensions of the space in which a person can move, have a break and carry out all daily activities.
An object, intended as a piece of furniture, complement or accessory, is instead something that you can touch with your hand, explore in its entirety, complexity and uniqueness by gently touching the surface with your fingers. Through this privileged contact, the element reveals its most hidden qualities and its origin, that is, the translation of a project.
In the product design activity conducted by the creative team of Dome Milano Studio, constant dialogue with the network of artisans and companies that, over the years, has consolidated as an important point of reference for the concrete development of the design process. The creation of the product is therefore the result of a synergy which, if on the one hand sees the designer as the central role, cannot do without a constant comparison with artisanal and industrial production, which has always been reference point for made in Italy design.

Dome's Projects, from the General to the Particular, from Milan to the Whole World

The portfolio of Dome Milano Studio collects the projects curated by the creative team and ranges from interior architecture activities, to interior and product design creations .
The areas of intervention and the geographical boundaries of operation of the Studio are very wide and diversified: in fact they cover variable distances between the zero kilometer and the exotic internationality of remote oriental destinations, as well as living spaces, receptive or different intended use, all characterized by a similar attention to detail, in the search for excellence and the balanced combination of ancient and modern, between made in Italy and blending, between suggestions and constraints induced by the context and new insertions.